Saturday, December 26, 2009

My PMR ReSulT !!!!!!!!

date of PMR result being announced
can u imagine my FeElinG???
before taking my result,
I feel anxious
After wearing my school uniform,
my shoes,
my tie....
take a BREATH...
When I reached my school at 9.45am,
I saw my friends..
long time no see
we chat and chat
the result is going 2 announced...
when it is my turn,
I prayed 4 Jesus..
hoping the best result..
my teacher(Pn. Fuziyah Yahya) told me:
Cindy, u got straight A!!!
I m screaming
so happy^^
thanks God 4 aswering my prayer..
thanks my parents 4 giving me so many support..
thanks my teachers 4 teaching me..
thanks my sis 4 supporting me..(sometimes only la..)
thanks my frenz 4 always being with me..
thanks my....
(too many people want 2 thanks..can't write all)
PMR 8A!!!!!!!!!

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