Saturday, December 26, 2009

merry X'mas

~Merry Christmas~
In the morning,
I went 2 church with my family
a happy christmas^^
because I have a best christmas GiFt this year..
PMR 8A!!!!!!!!
wish everyone have A
HappY ChRiStMas^^

so beautiful
the cupcakes
I love cupcakes!

My PMR ReSulT !!!!!!!!

date of PMR result being announced
can u imagine my FeElinG???
before taking my result,
I feel anxious
After wearing my school uniform,
my shoes,
my tie....
take a BREATH...
When I reached my school at 9.45am,
I saw my friends..
long time no see
we chat and chat
the result is going 2 announced...
when it is my turn,
I prayed 4 Jesus..
hoping the best result..
my teacher(Pn. Fuziyah Yahya) told me:
Cindy, u got straight A!!!
I m screaming
so happy^^
thanks God 4 aswering my prayer..
thanks my parents 4 giving me so many support..
thanks my teachers 4 teaching me..
thanks my sis 4 supporting me..(sometimes only la..)
thanks my frenz 4 always being with me..
thanks my....
(too many people want 2 thanks..can't write all)
PMR 8A!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

1 Day tRip 2 PeNanG........

everyone know PEnanG
this is not the first time I went 2 penang...
went 2 penang 4 so many times..
dunno y?
todaY very Happy^^

On the highway....
we went 2 penang hill

On the way 2 Penang Hill....

sitting on the train..

After taken our lunch,
just round the penang town....
( petrol is very cheap now..)
we went 2 Pesta Pulau Pinang
I tought is very fun..
I still feel great
with my dad, mom, n sis
~A Happy Day~

HEROES youth camp........


....He rose from the deaD....

so happy..

so glad i can join this camp..


we have a GREAT youth pastor..
Pastor Victor!!

In this camp,
I know more about Jesus...
I want to be the HERO of christ
n be a christ ambassador!!!!

I know many new friends too
great worship leader..
~Pastor Amos Eng
n more..

all those new friends..
thank you very much..
I will remember all of U!
~Swee Hoon
~Wan Xin
~Wan Choon
~En Xin
~Jia Jia

~Brian Yong



~Suku ( U.S.A.President )

~Ivan Tan

~Wenn Hong



n our Singapure group

our country..

~Wei Beng

~Brendon Low

~E Jet

~Si Enn



n more..


~Joseph Yong Xiang





thanks God 4 GiVinG me this chance


Monday, December 7, 2009

K Box..

we went 2 Village MALL
went 2 K boX
What we do??
of course SINGING la..
LOVE STORY-Taylor Switft..
very syok..
very happy..
....HaPpy FoRevEr....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Carshawn Farewell at Hock Way's House~

18.11.2009( Wednesday)

Carshawn is going 2 KL...
all of us do a farewell 4 him
Main character: CARSHAWN SIAO
Organiser: Xiu Qian Yeoh
Sponser(house): Low Hock Way
Camera man: KZ Tan
Supporter: ME (TC), Chia Ming, Chew Wing Gum, Yuan Xin, Chen Wei, June Tao Ching, Ng Young Ching, CJM, Su Ying
Cleaning: XQ Yeoh, TC, KZ Tan, Chen Wei, Chia Ming, Chew, Young Ching, June Tao, Hock Way, Yuan Xin..
( not enough bajet..cannot effort 2 call a cleaner..
must wash ourselves...T_T.....)


....FRieNDshIp 4EvER....
~PMR 8A~



is my mum birthday...

a happy day..

we celebrated my mom birthday in my kindergarden..

in the morning..

with my kindergarden's teachers..

see my mum happy face:


after we sang birthday songs,
ate the cake,
we(I mean children la!) played together..
I already 15 years old..
still played with children(6-10 years old)...
but really happy..
we ran here n ran there...
lastly, our leg became...(u know la)

which 1 is my leg?i also dunno...


all of us went 2 toilet 2 washed our"clean" leg

In the TOILET..

we danced..played water

(in the toilet also played until half an hour)

so happy^^

I really enjoyed that day..

lastly, i want 2 wish my mummy:


HAppY 4EvER..

I love u, MUM