Friday, January 25, 2013

Have a good walk today ( :

Hi there. It has been a long time that I didn't update my blog very often.
Hmm... Today seems great for me and "I want to write blog" suddenly just pop out in my mind while I was jogging just now. Feeling to share my inspiration today, haha, hope you enjoy it ( :

In life, I feel like we are walking on a long track.
From the time we breathe in the first breath, we have to walk through our ways with our own feet.

On the way, 
We may take a big step without concerning the scenery, the people, the things happening around us. 
And there is sometimes we need to face obstacles and can't go on with our journey.
You might also meet by a rabble of noise that you can't even hear your own voice in your heart.
There is times where you will keep on looking back the way you have gone through and being too proud of it.
But maybe, 
an attractive scenery could also slow down our walk to enjoy the beauty for a moment and continue the journey after then.
But maybe,
We would need to slow down our footstep and take some rest because we are tired.
And there is also a chance that you can meet the right people to go with you for the rest of your life if you are willing to take a step toward him/her.
And maybe,
You are willing to stop because someone you love is calling you to wait for him.

Actually, it is a big deal about how do you walk in your life!
It’s so simple, just
Listen to your heart, the one and only one heart in this world,
Be optimistic, 
Greet and treat the people around you sincerely,
Be careful and wise with every step you are walking forward,
Give chances to your own to observe the things around you,
Willing to take few steps back to tolerate with others,
Be confident, 
Give thanks and appreciate every step that you own 'cause there are people who don’t own a pair of legs 
and then have a meaningful walk until the end through your life. 

God bless.