Thursday, September 30, 2010


Exam is coming soon....
A lot of things need 2 study...
so many subjects...
so many question marks'??'....
hope evryong can get better result 4 tis exam,
GamBaTTeHH oo~~
Good Luck everyone~^^
don't be lazy ya...n_n
CJM, Che Wei, June Tao, Xi Ying, Xiu Qian, Jing Bei, Li Hou, Chiea Ying, Sook Mung, Yuan Xin, Hock Way, Chia Ming, Chew, Miao miao, we Jian, Zi Heng, Husna, Shamin, Amni, Anis, Aw, Agaleya, Fatih, Shukri, Jin Yao, Kai Zhe, Nabila Nazifa, Chia Wei, Su Ying, Hui Miin, Wei Gee, Leong, Shafie, Wan Thing, Xue You, Si Yu, Wei Jie, Wei Dong, Zee Yee, Zheng Yi, Wai Kit, Eric, Ah You, Joelyn, Wendy, Andy, Yue Bing, Lee Ren, Jing Rou, Fan-Fan, SK Tan n more........(too many...can't type it all...Haha~~XD)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

LuV my new ShOeS~~^^

We went 2 shopping
I saw tis shoe
very beautiful
I really want it!!
after I asked my mom & dad,
finally they bought 4 me.
So HaPPy...
LuV tis SHoeSS soooooooooo mucHHHHHHHHH
thx Dad
thx Mom^^

-without shoelace-

~white shoelace~

Pink shoelace

really nice!!


the first day of Hari Raya
first, WisH everyone
~Selamat Hari Raya~
We went 2 shopping.
our first destination is
Long time didn't gothere
I still remember..
When my sis n I were young,
my dad brought us there almost every weekend.

Like tis ShoeS
I want this!!!

Really A happy day
*Thanks Dad & Mum*

Thursday, September 9, 2010

alWayS SMILE=)

always SMILE
hope everyone always SMILE
~HappY FoReVeR~