Thursday, April 8, 2010

4STI -2010-

year 2010
all of us need 2 choose our class..
may be pure science..

my class~

at first,
feel so sad..
most of my friends are 4ST2...
really wanted 2 change the class..
we knew it can't happened

after a few days..
I feel more comfortable in class..
I know many things are different now..
but I know our FriendShiP won't be different..

Just thanks 4 everything..
hope all of us friendship 4ever..^^

To: Khairul n Syarif
frenZ 4eVer..
+ you..^^

Chiea Ying n me..

Happy fingers..

star shape fingers..
smiling fingers aGain..
- 2010 -