Thursday, March 25, 2010


My Birthday o...


so happy that day...

many things had happened..

my birthday wish:

~wish everyone always be healthy..
always be happy..
always be safe too...

~wish everything go smoothly in this year....

happy BirtHday 2 me...^^

-my birthday CakE-
..thanks Mom, dAd n Sis..

Form4 already...
really differenf from Form 3..
so busy..
busy with my Things..
so many HomeWork..
so MaNy Tuition..
so many SuBjects...
n when the ExAm is Coming...
need 2 study until going 2 be craZy....
my Bio sure fail already la...
dunno how..
busy until no time 2 update my bLoG..
toDay abit free..
so can Update SoMethinG...
I feel happy too..^^
thanks God for everything~